The English Edition is published ! Only available via this website. 69,95 € (7,- Euro shipping costs within EU, all other countries 10,- €).
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Translation from the German Edition 2019 by Christel Kasselmann. Aquarium Plants Publisher, 2020. ISBN 978-3-00-064912-7.
This color atlas „Aquarium Plants“ offers a unique collection of about 750 aquatic and marsh plants. More than 500 aquarium plants are presented in detailed portraits and information is given on a further 250 species, cultivars and growth forms.
The book focuses in detail on the natural habitats of aquatic and marsh plants and their successful cultivation and propagation in the aquarium. Important topics are temperature, light, substrate, water as well as flower biology and morphology and the right choice of plants for the design of planted aquariums. This book is indispensable for aquarists, plant enthusiasts and botanists.
With 838 color pictures and 640 pages, this standard reference book on aquarium plants is unrivalled worldwide.
You can take a look in the book here.